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Innovation through VPET, Learning through Play – 2024 May Issue

Innovative and Interactive AI Games Promote Mental Health for Children

Community Engagement Unit (CEU), along with Engineering Discipline of the Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education (IVE), collaborated with the Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), on interactive AI games design and development for the upcoming YWCA AI Lab in Tuen Mun Centre. The games will focus on promoting mental health.

The games were designed by students from Higher Diploma in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics at IVE. Using the AI and programming knowledge they have learned in class, they created AI games that are suitable for children to play. These games will help children relieve stress from their studies. The students from IVE also shared the technological techniques with the children, increasing their interest in related fields.

"These AI creations are both novel and educational," said Unit-in-charge (Service) Mr George CHAN Wai-yuen. "The frequent interaction between primary and secondary school students and AI games has yielded surprisingly positive results, achieving the goal of 'Learning through Play'." We are currently discussing with the centre on further promotion of these AI games, and there may be an opportunity to organise an AI Game Day in the district in the future.

[Photo caption 1]  AI game experience led by IVE Engineering Discipline students (back right) and YWCA instructors (back left) for YWCA young members (front row)

[Photo caption 2] YWCA young members were experiencing the AI games



Learning through Play with Inclusiveness and Fun between Generations

IVE Childcare, Elderly and Community Services Discipline (CECS) celebrated International Day of Families 15 May by hosting an event - Experiential Activity for International Day of Families at "We Park" in IVE (Sha Tin) on 8 May. Seniors, children, and parents from the Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council (NAAC) experienced various play zones, where CECS students showcased the power of play in promoting well-being, family harmony, and inter-generational integration.

Student Mr Li remarked, "In addition to applying the knowledge learned in class, leading games with children and elderly individuals allowed me to experience the importance of play in community interaction and child development."

How to unlock children's potential through play? IVE teachers and students from Higher Diploma in Child Care and Education shared their insights in our programme "Fun Classroom". Please visit our YouTube channel to watch:

>>Click here<<


[Photo above] Elderly and children from NAAC served as guest performers at the event. Ms Hidi HO Kit-yee (third from left), Principal of IVE (Sha Tin) and Ms Regina CHEUNG Kar-yee (second from right), Deputy Executive Director of NAAC were joining the performers

[Photo below] We Park featured 13 play zones, where IVE students apply game and VPET knowledge and techniques to enable participants to experience the joy of learning through play


Designing Board Games, Showing Care for Hidden Youth

In a collaborative effort, CEU, Hong Kong Design Institute (HKDI) and Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service (BOKSS) have joined forces to develop board games specifically designed for disengaged and hidden youth. Over ten students from HKDI Higher Diploma in Illustration presented their concepts to a panel of judges, including Design Discipline teachers, representatives from BOKSS and CEU, as well as the board game designer. The students showcased their design and illustration skills, explaining their game concepts, themes, and artistic styles.

Board game designer Manuel and BOKSS representative Mr Frankie YEUNG Chi-kin were highly impressed by the creativity and quality of the students' works. The project aims to raise awareness, empower, and connect with disengaged and hidden youth through the power of play.

The selected board game designs will be further refined and mass-produced for use in BOKSS's frontline services. These games will serve as a valuable tool for engaging with disengaged and hidden youth, fostering understanding, and promoting community integration.

[Photo above] Design Discipline teacher Ms Kian CHEUNG Kok-ning (right) and CEU representative (left) commended the HKDI students for their exquisite and thoughtful designs

[Photo below] Programme Leader Mr Ken WONG Man-ho (second left in front), BOKSS representative Mr Frankie YEUNG Chi-kin (second right in front), Board Game Designer Manuel (left in front), teachers and students from HD in Illustration, and CEU representatives

VPET Spreads Compassion, Showcasing VR Hoarding Simulation to the Public

Students from Diploma of Vocational Education (Fashion) (DVE (Fashion)) at Youth College utilised their VPET skills in multimedia and curation to create a VR hoarding experience for The Salvation Army. The project, showcased at the "S+ Summit & Expo 2024," attracted nearly 10,000 visitors and aimed to raise awareness and understanding of hoarding disorder. This initiative demonstrates the valuable contributions of our teachers and students in addressing social issues.

Through the production of the VR simulation, the students gained a deeper understanding of the situation of individuals with hoarding behaviour, and so did the visitors through the exhibition. Some visitors commented on the meticulous visual effects and expressed their appreciation for the students' patient explanations.

[Photo above] Students from DVE (Fashion) assisting visitor with the VR hoarding experience

[Photo below] Teachers and students from DVE (Fashion)


CEU Upcoming Events

"Illuminating the Extraordinary" - VTC Students × People in Mental Recovery Joint Art Exhibition

Date: 8 - 16 June

Time: 11:30am - 7:30pm

Venue: Times Square covered piazza

Synopsis: Pro-Act (Mechanical) students and BOKSS's people in mental recovery collaborated on Water Pipe Lamps for exhibition

Co-creation to Communities (Co2) Upcycling Exhibition

Date: 21 June - 3 July

Time: 10:30am - 8:30pm

Venue: K11 Art Mall Piazza

Synopsis: THEi collaborated with St. James' Settlement Jockey Club Upcycling Centre (UPCC) on designing accessories using recycled materials. The selected entries and award-winning works will be displayed during the exhibition

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